Thursday, September 17, 2009

"mid September update" or "I don't know what to call this post"

A quick update, because I am trying to cut down my internet time and get to some serious sewing. Here's my latest lovely that I picked up from a garage sale for $75! My sewing machine I named after a lady in the bible who sewed clothes for people in need (Dorcus) and my serger needed a name. My mom sent me this scripture verse and suggested Sheba for a name. I like it. So, I'm happy to introduce you to Sheba!

Sold with Sheba were these 2 feet and these bags of thread!

I'd say that I got a great deal! In other news here's a picture of one of my kitchen chairs (we only have 2) that David recovered for me. I love them - I don't have before pictures because they were too embarrassing. He did a great job!

And finally, I got to go see this movie with my friend last night and it was so wonderful! I will definitely own this one and torture my husband for years with it! It was such a cute and heartwarming chick flick that I definitely recommend it. Oh, and the soundtrack is divine... have to get it!
This movie almost makes me want to learn how to cook.... almost!


Patty-Jean from LittleQuiver said...

Very nice to meet you Sheba! You are quite a steal!

And Coralee - I'm jealous - I have not seen Julie and Julia yet (don't know when I'll be able to ) I know only a few local fellow bloggers - but i thought it would be a neat flic for fellow bloggers to see together!

Coralee said...

That's a great idea, Patty~Jean! I loved the blog component of this story and could totally relate to Julie's excitement over comments!

LLG said...

I LOVE THIS MOVIE!! It was so good. Even Allister loved it!

Evelyn in Canada said...

I saw this movie with a few girlfriends, but I think my husband would have liked it too. I loved it and we laughed all the way through it. Meryl Streep was great.

I love that you name your sewing machine. Why didn't I think of that? Sheba was an awesome deal and I know you'll get a lot of use out of her. Enjoy her!