Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Nice Summer Day

David has been wanting to go to the driving range for quite some time and we finally did it. Surprisingly I enjoyed myself! I wore a skirt so that no one would take me seriously enough to watch. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Seriously though, I wouldn't have even tried this a few years ago because I have a fear of being humiliated. I stand on the scripture that says:
"For God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
So I went, I tried, I ignored everyone else around me and I enjoyed myself. I even managed to get a couple of straight drives in. We are going to go again, now that I've had a taste of it. We even talked about taking some lessons next summer.

We didn't have a sitter lined up, so we took Abigail and she even got to try a couple of hits with Mama and Papa.

After our small bucket of balls was emptied we took Abigail to the playground for a little while. She loves swings!

We also put her on the slide (with Papa) and a couple of other playground equipment pieces, but the swings are definitely her favourite!

All in all it was a nice summer day! (More picture here.)


Patty-Jean from LittleQuiver said...

So Fun!!! Good for you! And you look Great!

Adventures of Deesa said...

I'm very proud of you Coralee!
Wasn't it that skirt I borrowed when I was there and then wore to the same driving range!? I think it must have some good golfing skill wired into it to give you extra special swinging capabilities!