Friday, October 16, 2009

On My Sewing Desk

Here's what I've been working on this week:

a Note Taker for a birthday present...

... with a coffee cozy tucked into the pocket for Tim Hortons!

2 more diapers (that's 4 out of 16)

and finally, baby leg warmers. I love BabyLegs, but have you seen how much money stores want for these? The cheapest pair I've found are $12 and I made these out of knee high socks at $4/pair!


Sunny said...

OMG!!! That note taker thing with the coffee cup cozy is amazing!!!!! I'm very impressed!!! Love it in fact.

Evelyn in Canada said...

I've made my own Baby Legs out of tights as well, after they no longer fit or the feet are worn out. My oldist girl went through a phase where she wore them on her arms with a tshirt, looking like she had layers of shirts on. Cute!