Friday, November 4, 2011

Checkin' In

Well, it's been a little quiet on this little blog. I don't have a lot of news this week, but let's get to it!

  • I'm enjoying one of these right now.
  • I am nine weeks into my pregnancy and just now starting to feel somewhat human again. Still tired, but a lot less nauseous. Good news!
(so funny... worth sharing again)
  • November 4th and no snow. Can hardly believe it. I'm ready for it (don't hate me for loving God's beauty). It would help me feel more motivated to get to my Christmas projects, not to mention our first snowfall tradition of ordering chinese take-out... yum.
(lights on our tree through special effect glasses-2008)
  • I'm in the midst of planning the last minute details for David's birthday. It's going to be great fun and I hope to have some pics to share next week. This year's theme...

  • The little's play kitchen still isn't finished. There have been a few minor glitches that have slowed us down a little. David would like a good couple of hours to finish out the last few details, so hopefully soon! I have some details to work on, myself. The reveal is going to be amazing! We're having friends deliver it to our home while we are away in Alberta so that it will be here for the children to find it when we get home. It'll be a great surprise.
  • Malachi had to have another Mag3 renal scan this week. It went better, but still hard to bare as a mother. We'll get the results in two weeks.
  • So many things to look forward to: 2 days until David's birthday and party, 9 days until the Ladies Ministry Christmas Banquet, 15 days until Malachi's 1st birthday, 18 days until his party and our first midwife appointment, 34 days until Bethlehem LIVE!, 40 days until we leave for Alberta, 51 days until Christmas. 


Jen said...

Ooo... sounds like you have a fun couple of months ahead! I look forward to hearing about them and seeing your big Christmas & kitchen reveals!

Donna Dawe said...

Okay, so you have your tree up already? How does little mister do with that? Pretty cool tradition to order chinese on the 1st snowfall. I think I might take your idea there, but I might try Indian or something. Can't really order in, but can order to go!

Love checking in with you guys.

Coralee said...

Donna, actually, our tree isn't up yet. That's from 2008, but it will probably be up by the end of the month. We have all unbreakable ornaments, so it's a good training tool, though I might be sick of pulling him off the tree in no time.

Evelyn in Canada said...

Congratulations, Coralee! Another little Gingras on the way. Give in the tiredness if you have any time to do so. There's nothing like afternoon naps. Decadent!