Friday, February 4, 2011

When You No Longer Own Anything

David and I have taken a view of our belongings as not being our own. God has gifted us with everything for His purposes and His glory and should He decide to take things away or allow them to break down, then that too, is for His purpose and glory. This helps us not become too atached to stuff. We hold on to things loosely and without strings and pray that God's will would be done. Having this perspective really helps when things break down, especially things that we really like and use regularily. This week God's car and His computer both crashed on the same day. Do we laugh about it and say "no big deal"? Well, no. We are human and do get frustrated and even worry. When we calm down from the inital shock and worry of things like this, we remember to turn to God and say,
"Thank you, Father. It's your car.  It's your computer. If you choose to fix them for us, great!  If you choose to take them from us, we praise you. We know your plans are higher than ours and your purposes are better than ours. We don't necessarily understand, but we accept your plan as the best plan for our lives and we submit to your will."
You know what, if you don't own a car, then it's not your responsibility, right? Well, guess what, God fixed our car. The mechanic bill was $950! Yikes! In human perspective, with no job, this would be impossible.Well, in faith and under God's care, He provided! We received two financial gifts that payed for the car's repairs. You may be saying to yourself, well then, the people who gave you the money are the ones who provided for the repairs. Again, in our human understanding, it does appear to be the case. Who compelled the people to give the gifts? I choose to believe it's God's kindness shown to us through people. This doesn't take away our gratitude toward those who have given to us, on the contrary, we are extrememly grateful. It takes courage and generosity to give such large gifts to others. We hope to be able to pay it forward to others in the future.

All this to say, that our lovely computer (our iMac) is out of commission at the moment and I am currently typing on another of God's blessings. This little netbook was a freebie that David earned at a company conference about a year ago. With our wireless internet, I won't be completely without access, though it might be intermitent for awhile. I'm sure that I've spent far too much time online lately and having to use something that takes a bit more effort to use, will help me to spend less time in front of a computer screen.

I don't have easy access to all the pictures of things that I want to blog about, but I did upload the following pics off of my camera to show you. This lovely clutch is a birthday present - if you've guessed that it's yours, pretend to be surprised when you get it, okay? I am in love with the buckle, a spur of the moment idea. I used the gathered clutch tutorial from here again. I will be making more of these, I am sure.

I hope you like it.


Donna Dawe said...

I was very encouraged when talking with you last week and you mentioned that all that you have is, in fact, owned by God. It helped me to pull through a bit better, as I looked around my own home with a discontent heart. So many things to fix and so little time and money to make it happen with.

"God, this is and has always been your home and we are so pleased to have it. We know you'll fix it when the timing is right."

Thanks dear friend for being real!

Jen said...

I was thinking of you last night when I was reading 1 Tim 6:7...

"For we brought nothing into the world; and we can take nothing out of it."

You are right on with your thinking! Thanks for the challenge to work on mine. :)