Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Baby Belly Fun!

No make-up, undone hair, but it was now or never with these shots. (8mths)


Anonymous said...

Hey baby girl,
What great fun! Someday you will be very happy you had these done. Your child will be thrilled too. I can’t see any stretch marks, how did you manage that?

I love you. Just a little more than a month away and I’ll get to hug you in person.

Love and hugs and kisses

Coralee said...

David is good with the airbrush tool in iPhoto -grin- and I did use profuse amounts of cover up!

Patty-Jean from LittleQuiver said...

Love it! but how, how do you still have an 'innie'??? I'm 5 months and my belly button is already an 'outie'!